
It has been decided that the Machida City Council of Social Welfare will subsidize 50,000 yen for the “Children’s Support Classroom Machida” that we run. Thank you very much.


旅するボールペン 今日は広島市の(株)みづま工房さまから100本お預かりしました。


We received a boxful of ballpoint pens from Nizuma Kogei Inc. in Hiroshima. Thank you very much! journeyofballpointpen tokyosupportplanforasia

渋谷区社会福祉協議会さまから インクカートリッジをお預かりしました。



donation of inkcartridge from Shibuya Council of Social Welfare in Tokyo. Thank you very much!





Biz 1000 ga yaqin sharikli qalam, qalam, rangli qalam va boshqalarni O’zbekiston poytaxti Toshkentdagi ko’ngillilar guruhiga jo’natdik. Bular orasida Tochigi Siti Tsuga nomli o’smirlar maktabi va o’tgan yili JF Oberlin universiteti festivali tomonidan sovg’a qilingan sharikli ruchkalar mavjud.
U bugun dengiz orqali jo’natildi, ammo bu bir necha oy davom etadi. Kelsangiz, saytdan xabar berishingiz so’raladi. Men buni orziqib kutmoqchiman.
We have shipped about 1000 ballpoint pens, pencils, colored pencils, etc. to a volunteer group in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. These include those donated by Tochigi City Tsuga Junior High School and ballpoint pens donated by the JF Oberlin University Festival last year.
It was shipped by sea today, but it will take several months. When you arrive, you will be asked to report from the site. I would like to look forward to it.





【お知らせ】#士別サムライブレイズ #佐野公祇 選手からご寄付をお預かりしました!

#北海道ベースボールリーグ #士別サムライブレイズ で活躍する #佐野公祇 選手からウェア類、グラブ、シューズなどをご寄付いただきました。思い出のある品物のご寄付に感謝と敬意を表します。ありがとうございました!ご寄付はUGBASウガンダ野球を支援する会に託しアフリカのウガンダに送る予定です。

#Hokkaido Baseball League #Shibetsu Samurai Blaze player #Kouki Sano donated clothing, grabs, shoes, etc. We would like to express our gratitude and respect for his donation of memorable items. Thank you very much! The donation will be entrusted to the UGBAS Uganda Baseball Support Association and sent to Uganda, Africa.



donation of 2 boxful of ballpointpen from welfare committee of Tsuga junior high school, Tochigi cgvy. Thank you very much! journeyofballpointpen tokyosupportplanforasia 旅するボールペン 今日は栃木市立都賀中学校福祉委員会の皆様から段ボール箱2つにいっぱいのボールペンをお預かりしました。みなさん、ありがとうございます!



Uniforms, gloves and other baseball equipment entrusted to us by people from Hyogo Prefecture will be entrusted to the UGBAS Uganda Baseball Support Association and sent to Uganda, Africa. Thank you everyone! We are also looking for donations! We are looking forward to hearing from you!


東京アジア応援計画は不要な野球用品を野球が育ちはじめた国の若者たちに贈るプロジェクト「野球がつなぐプロジェクト」を開始しました。今日は兵庫県からグローブやウェア類が段ボール1箱とどきました。 ありがとうございました!

donation of baseball equipment from Sanda Hyogo. Thank you very much! tokyosupportplanforasia ‘Baseball connects people’ project starts

#野球がつなぐプロジェクト 送り先は下記まで