
Biz 1000 ga yaqin sharikli qalam, qalam, rangli qalam va boshqalarni O’zbekiston poytaxti Toshkentdagi ko’ngillilar guruhiga jo’natdik. Bular orasida Tochigi Siti Tsuga nomli o’smirlar maktabi va o’tgan yili JF Oberlin universiteti festivali tomonidan sovg’a qilingan sharikli ruchkalar mavjud.
U bugun dengiz orqali jo’natildi, ammo bu bir necha oy davom etadi. Kelsangiz, saytdan xabar berishingiz so’raladi. Men buni orziqib kutmoqchiman.
We have shipped about 1000 ballpoint pens, pencils, colored pencils, etc. to a volunteer group in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. These include those donated by Tochigi City Tsuga Junior High School and ballpoint pens donated by the JF Oberlin University Festival last year.
It was shipped by sea today, but it will take several months. When you arrive, you will be asked to report from the site. I would like to look forward to it.






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