

We will stop visiting Myanmar in July this year and visit Vietnam in August because it is difficult to enter and short-term stay in both countries. As for scholarships for children in Vietnam, we ask Ms.Bao Trang, who is from a supporting village and graduated from Japanese language school this spring, to return to Vietnam and will be provided on-site as scheduled. The library maintenance project in Myanmar will be postponed for one year.



2020年6月27日土曜日、日本全国から集まりました,約20000本のボールペン(段ボール箱19個,224kg)をミャンマーのヤンゴンへ船便で送りました。送料は98000円でした。ヤンゴンへは2か月後の8ち月下旬に到着予定です。2か月後の世界はどうなっているでしょうか。今回の送付にあたってはJapan Myanmar Door to Door Service様にご協力いただきました。ありがとうございました。現地に到着しましたら、またご報告いたします。


On Saturday, June 27, 2020, about 20,000 ballpoint pens (19 cardboard boxes, 224 kg) gathered from all over Japan were shipped to Yangon, Myanmar by sea. The shipping cost was 98,000 yen,916US$. They will arrive in Yangon two months later in late August. What will the world be like in two months? Japan Myanmar Door to Door Service cooperated with this delivery. Thank you very much. We will inform you when The pens arrive at Yangon.


We received a donation of 1000 ballpoint pens from Yuken Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Thank you very much!  #journeyofballpointpen

ありがとうございました! #旅するボールペン



We received a boxful of donation of ballpoint pens, pencils and used stamps from Sanpo Seiki Co., Ltd Yokohama Japan. Thank you very much!



We received a donation of boxful ballpoint pens from Utsunomiya Tochigi Japan. Thank you very much. #旅するボールペン



Othello is a game born in Japan. We have donated from Yaita City, Tochigi Prefecture. We will donate to children in Myanmar. If you don’t need anything, please donate!










*About influence on activity of new coronavirus epidemic
We will report the current status of the activities of the Tokyo Support Plan for Asia.
1) About the child support room in Machida city, Tokyo.
We are conducting activities to support children’s learning in Machida City, Tokyo, but since April we have stopped activities at the meeting place in the housing complex and switched to online support via LINE video call or Skype. If you would like to participate, please contact us.
2) About profitable business for fund generation
All the flea markets and events that we have participated in until now have been canceled until July, and it is no longer possible to sell goods centering on miscellaneous goods in Vietnam and Myanmar. Currently, we are switching to selling at Mercari, Yahoo Auction, Amazon Marketplace.
3) We continue to accept donations of ballpoint pens, used stamps, and ink cartridges. If you find anything that came out of your home during the GW, please donate them.
In addition, it is difficult to send ballpoint pens to the villages in Myanmar because it is difficult to secure transportation from Japan to the site.
4) About visiting the support area.
The planned visit to Myanmar in July and Vietnam in August my be canceled or postponed. Regarding the Vietnamese scholarship support program, scholarship will be provided by remittance to local children even if the visit is cancelled.
I will report above.



We received donation of ballpoint pens from Obihiro Ryokuyou high school Hokkaido. Thank you very much!  #旅するボールペン
